
Roles have been are predefined and can be accessed via the Roles tab (see below). Within the Roles page you can view and edit the definitions but you cannot add or delete additional Roles. These roles can be added to any of the groups you create and allow the administrator to give Groups various levels of administrator rights.

Tip: Care should be taken when assigning more privileged roles. All members of a Group that has the Administrator Role assigned, will have full access to all functionality within the SBLi Server suite.

Available Roles


This role assigns all functions and permissions available within the SBLi Server.

Group Administrator

This role allows users within the assigned group to create and edit groups as well as assign and remove users from groups.

Scenario Administrator

This role allows the group to upload, view, update and delete scenarios and assign groups to scenarios.

Scenario Uploader

This role can upload scenarios created in the SBL Interactive Builder software. Users within a group assigned this role can also assign groups that have access to the scenarios they have uploaded.